Wednesday, 6 January 2021

2021 is here finally, what will it bring?

I started my first blog "PS Whimsy Behind the Brush" in early 2011, almost 10 years ago. A couple of years ago I first posted under the title "Gillian's Art and Whimsy" and posted erratically. 

Well I am hoping that I can be a bit more consistent in 2021.

Here is how I started my first blog post for 2012: 

"The New Year lies before you like a spotless tract of snow. Be careful how you tread on it for every mark will show." Unknown author

This is sage advice for the start of a new year. We get the opportunity to have a fresh start, a new canvas and fresh page. So it is time to give some thought to what we will put on that page. An opportunity to take stock, make fresh plans, set a path or continue a journey already begun. Some will say that the beginning of the New Year is an artificial time for this, that a new path can be followed at any time, the start of a day, a week or a new month. Starting with a new year, though, a beautiful fresh new year, is like starting a huge new empty sketch book.

2020 was a bleak year with some new words and concepts: corona virus, pandemic, social distancing, lockdown, PPE (personal protective equipment) and zoom. Zoom meetings were a positive, the rest I could have done without.

So for 2021 my plan is to send out at least 1 blog post each month: some photographs, art news, an update from my studio and a touch of whimsy. While the pandemic is far from over I am cautiously optimistic that 2021 will be an improvement over 2020.

When the rain stops I walk, when the sun shines I take my camera for a spin.


Anna's Hummingbird perched on string of Christmas lights

Eagles at Jericho

Seagull having a bath

Catching the light:

Art News:

I received a Third Place Award for my painting "Nesting" in the juried exhibition "Small Artworks 2020" at the Federation of Canadian Artists Gallery on Granville Island.

Nesting (watercolour 10" x 14")

From the studio:

Here are a few new paintings (all watercolours):

Pacific Spirit Greens (12" x 16")

Yorkie (14" x 10")

Beachcombing (12" x 16")

Reflection or Reflecting (12" x 16")

Alert (10" x 10")


Interesting video reenactment of Night Watch painting:

2021 - to better days ahead

Happy Wednesday, with whimsy,
