There are some interesting names for groups in nature; a parliament of owls comes to mind.
A group of flowers growing close together (like these crocuses) can be called a bunch, a cluster or a clump. A bouquet is a bunch of flowers arranged for its beauty.
A group of geese can be called a gaggle or a flock or when in flight a skein.
There are goslings in the gaggle at Jericho Park.
Does that make this a gaggle of goslings:
Goose, gander and goslings:
Splish, splash
we're having a bath
so cute!
Watchful parents with six little goslings.
When they were approaching the side of the pond where I was standing
the adults started bobbing their heads up and down
and stretching their necks out.
I interpreted this as wanting me to buzz off
so after a few more pictures I backed away and
let them have the end of the pond to themselves.
But what about groups of people?
Did you know that a group of doctors is known as a dose or doctrine.
But what if we make up a few group names:
a malady of doctors
a confusion of psychiatrists
a drill of dentists
an argument of lawyers
a portion of dietitians
a clutch of racing drivers
a quotation or perhaps a scribble of writers
a structure of engineers
a catalogue of librarians
a grind of baristas
a pallet of artists
a baffle of geeks
That is all my husband and I came up with, now its your turn.
If you want to share any group name ideas let me know and I can pass them along in a future post.
What is happening in the studio?
Here are 5 new watercolours,
"Puglia Boats":
"Italian Window":
"Arte del Gelato":
and finally "Afternoon Nap":
I have entered the last 3 in the juried "Oil and Water" show at the South Delta Artists Guild Gallery 1710. The most they accept into the show is 2 per artist, hopefully one or two of mine will be accepted. I find out in about a week.
That is all I have for this week,
happy Wednesday,
with whimsy,
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