Wednesday, 2 June 2021

In my Garden


My June Haiku:

Whispers of summer

rejoicing, hands in warm earth

birds singing with joy

Life begins the day you start a garden.

Chinese Proverb

The glory of gardening:

hands in the dirt,

head in the sun,

heart with nature.

To nurture a garden - is to feed not just the body,

but the soul.

Albert Austin

Gardeners, I think dream bigger dreams than emperors.

Mary Cartwell

Promise of fruit, blueberries above and figs below.

A life without dreams is like a garden without flowers.


Kind hearts are the garden,

kind thoughts are the roots,

kind words are the flowers,

kind deeds are the fruits,

take care of your garden and keep out the weeds,

fill it with sunshine, kind words and kind deeds.


My garden is my beautiful masterpiece.

Claude Monet


From the studio:

Another character tree, no name yet.

and another Super Sculpey creation:

A hanging decoration, Santa of course.


Art News:

Next Exhibit at South Delta Artists Guild:

I have 5 paintings in this exhibit:


Wreck of the Pesuta


Hanging Around

Sticks and Stones 4


Not much happens in the garden without pollinators.

The Beauty of Pollination:

one last thing for today - Stairway to Heaven - flash mob

That is all for today,

Happy Wednesday,

with whimsy,


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