After a long hot, dry summer the rain is very welcome!
Rain In Summer
How beautiful is the rain!
After the dust and heat,
In the broad and fiery street,
In the narrow lane,
How beautiful is the rain!
How it clatters along the roofs,
Like the tramp of hoofs
How it gushes and struggles out
From the throat of the overflowing spout!
Across the window-pane
It pours and pours;
And swift and wide,
With a muddy tide,
Like a river down the gutter roars
The rain, the welcome rain!
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth;
without rain, there would be no life.”
John Updike
"Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby."
Langston Hughes
The sound of the rain needs no translation.Alan Watts
"Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul."
Emily Logan Decens
"The only noise now was the rain, pattering softly with the magnificent indifference of nature for the tangled passions of humans."Sherwood Smith
"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet."
Roger Miller
Arthur Freed

News from the studio:
I sold 3 paintings:
"Ancient Wisdom" sold from the Small exhibit at the Federation Gallery on Granville Island.

"Out for Lunch" sold from the Past Times Exhibit at Gallery 1710 in South Delta.
"Heart of the Beach" sold from the Wayfarer Exhibit at Knox United Church in Vancouver.
New Work:
"Standing Alone" inspired by pole seen in SGang Gwaay, Haida Gwaii

"Standing Together" inspired by poles seen at Van Dusen Gardens.
More 3D work:
I will be selling these one of a kind decorations in the fall with Christmas Cards
Dali Santa
Hippie King Santa (commission)
Icicle Santa
and two smaller ones, Frosty above and Small Santa below
I have one painting and one sculpture in the Changes Exhibit at Gallery 1710 in Tsawwassen
from September 3 to 26, 2021:
"Dancing Tree"
To follow the theme here is Gene Kelly "Singing in the Rain".
That's all for this week,happy Wednesday, with whimsy
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