The sweet scents of summer.
Well it is starting to smell a lot like summer. The sweet scent of peonies, the heady fragrance of sweet peas, the delicate scents of roses carried on the warm evening breeze.
Lavender, rosemary, mint, oregano and thyme all thrive, sharing their scents as we brush up against them.
The smell of freshly mowed grass and of the ocean mixed with the sweet coconut oil scent of sunscreen; these are summer scents and they make me smile.
The buzzing of the insects busy in the garden, yes it is summer.
The taste of sun ripened berries, the first tomatoes from the garden, meals outside on a summer day .... ah.
White peonies, especially those bright red details in the centre are a favourite.
These beauties belong to my neighbour.

A dragon fly drying its wings:

News from the studio

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