Wednesday 5 January 2022

January 2022

 January is here finally - hope it was worth the wait!

Skipped December

didn't I, well here we go

starting another year!

Happy New Year from our house to yours!

Recent cold weather and snow has created some interesting photo opportunities. 
Above is the reflection of my studio window in a Christmas ornament.
Below is one of our many outdoor gargoyles pecking out from a pile of snow.  

We have been busy trying to keep the food in the hummingbird feeders liquid: two feeders rotated, one out for the birds the other in to thaw.... 

We seem to have three Anna's hummingbirds taking advantage of the feeders at the moment.

Lunch time at ours?
Below a ministry of silly walks clock.

Some cold but beautiful weather and a walk at Vanier Park Park provided these photo opportunities:

Hooded Merganser with a crab above, drops it below.... 

Where is it? Oh good found it.

He rotates it a few times before swallowing it.

Female Merganser below is much more efficient about the process:

Dive and catch.



News from the Studio:


Painting "Nesting":

Several 3D scultures including:

and many Christmas cards.


New Work:

Both watercolours,

"Raven Watching" 




is in the Federation of Canadian Artists show Works on Paper January 25 to Feb. 6, 2022.

The following are in the 'Looking Forward' show at Gallery 1710 from January 21 to February 20, 2022.

Forest Greens

Sea Fever

Ship Wreck

Forest Spirits 2


Lastly these thoughts:

I wish this was my photo, it's not - but it is amazing.

That's all for this week,

-the first week of 2022-

happy Wednesday, with whimsy
